My wincustomize site
Published on February 26, 2007 By rtcoop In Beginners
I have been trying to install the nvidia are you ready theme, but when I download the file from nvidias web site it tries to install object desktop lite, and will not let me install the theme. It says I need winstyles, and I thought it came with object desktop, which I just purchased yesterday. Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

on Feb 26, 2007
I believe Winstyles was replaced by Theme Manager (Winstyles is from 2002)

Yeah, when I oped SDC it mentions Winstyles in the description for the Object Desktop Network.

Don't know if themes created to be used by winstyles works or not with Theme manager - did you download the full destktop theme installer or the theme only?

Don't know if this is still valid, but here is the Winstyles page:
on Feb 26, 2007
rtcoop, Download the "areyouready_110702.exe". Then use a zip/unzip utility. I used winrar, you can also use picozip and even probably winzip. Unzip it to the folder of your choice (I used the folder suggested "areyouready_110702"). Then go to that folder and open it and you will find a file called "AreYouReady.sdtheme". Change the sdtheme to zip. Then unzip it to any folder of your choice (I used the folder suggested "AreYouReady"). In that folder you will find the WindowBlinds theme. I hope that helps.

on Feb 26, 2007
good call RadialFX.. unfortunately this theme made my eyes bleed.   

thanks a LOT!!   
on Feb 26, 2007
Thanks Radial. I played around trying to get that style to work for a while. Is that something you have to do often to get themes to work?